Wednesday, December 15, 2010

thanksgiving post

Thanksgiving Week Blog Posting
            Teachers act in a way of designers I think by molding students and teaching students the things we need to know in order to be successful in everyday life.
            Simulators are imitations of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. Simulations are used in all areas of education. Simulations can be used in a classroom for teaching students how to do something or for students practicing how to do something.
             In the first part of digital story telling (preproduction), students plan the story they will be telling. In preproduction, students research, write, and organize information about the structure of their story. It is during this portion of the activity that the majority of the work takes place, providing students with the opportunity to generate their ideas on paper before using the camera. The preproduction portion of the activity allows students to optimize their time when actually using the camcorder. An essential part of preproduction is storyboarding. The storyboard is a document that provides students the opportunity to create a plan for their story from which they can begin filming. Storyboards can take on a number of formats combining verbal and/or graphic descriptions of screen shots. The storyboard includes specific information and the logistics for shooting the footage for the digital story.
        Depending on how you learn the best I think that you can definitely learn from watching
TV instruction. Watching the way something is done can be a lot easier way to learn something for some people rather than reading it or listening to someone teach you about it.

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