Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog Posting chapter 4

Jon Marc Rea
ETEC 424                                                                                October 24, 2010

Supporting Writing with Technology

            Since writing is something that is hard for me, I know the importance of using whatever technology sources that are available to try to engage students and get their minds working.  I like the idea of computer-based concept mapping tools. These tools help students understand by seeing a visual of the relationships between their ideas. I know visuals have always helped me when writing assignments were hard.  I like using concept maps or graphic organizers to connect my ideas and get my thoughts in order. I think technology like this could be very beneficial for students who find it hard to write, especially because they just can’t seem to get started. This seems to be a good way to help organize and plan their thoughts. I also like the idea of collaborative writing with technology.  When two or more students work together, I think they put more into their efforts.  I like the idea of the SWoRD peer review system, but I think that would be used better for older students with good computer skills and probably had computers at home. 

            PowerPoint presentation is a great way to help with writing. It makes it easy and creative to organize thoughts and ideas and compose and edit your text. When creating PowerPoints, sometimes it’s easy to overdo the visuals with excessive use of fonts and lots of moving graphics and animations that distract. I would limit the number of fonts, colors and graphics and make sure the students had their ideas and text clear before they began adding the graphics. One suggestion was to write the text slides first and make sure they are clear, then go back and add the visuals and graphics. 

            Writing is hard for many students. I know, I am one of them.  I think any technology that helps a writer pre-write, organize and present their papers is good.  I hope I can learn and be efficient with both instruction and technology to have a good balance so my students can get the best of both worlds.

Jonassen, D.H., Howland, J.L., Marra, R.M., Crismond, D.Pl (2008) Meaningful Learning with Technology. (Third Edition) Allyn & Bacon. June 1, 2007



I'm Jon Marc Rea. I'm a student at Texas A&M Commerce.  I'm learning to blog in my ETECH 424 class.